Aenzay Facility management safety policy
we invest in our employees through Health and Safety policy, as we also believe our human capital is the most important component of our system.

We at AenZay believe very sincerely in Corporate Social Responsibilities. It is a social liability of an organization to devote itself back to society. Corporate social responsibility is, building long-term relationships with communities of society, this relationship which is equally beneficial to a corporate social cause and ultimate respect for the Company’s foreign relation with corporate communities working in Pakistan.
Being a healthy and productive aspect of society, AenZay focuses on meeting the expectations of its internal and external social environment. It is our premium goal to arrange all kinds of preventive measures before initializing sensitive executions in our ongoing projects. we invest in our employees through Health and Safety policy, because we believe our human capital is the most important component of our system.
We have been providing our customers with high-quality services in the fields of:
Aenzay Interiors & Architects is committed to the prevention of injuries and the promotion of a safe, secure, and respectful working environment for all our employees. Furthermore, Aenzay Interiors & Architects is committed to comply with requirements and work to continually improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System and Occupational Health & Safety.
- Management and employees Aenzay Interiors & Architects strive to achieve these goals by:
- Meeting all applicable quality, health & safety legal requirements in the territories we operate in.
- Ensuring the protection and prevention of injury & ill health of employees.
- Monitoring, identifying, avoiding, investigating, and, where possible, occupational risks & hazards to provide a safe & healthy workplace.
- Providing awareness and training to enable all stakeholders to comply with its IMS policy and procedures.
Some of the carpet cleaning service that we will provide you with are:

Cleaning services
We will start with the dusting off your carpet to make sure that the dust is removed

House maintenance
Your carpet will be removed and properly dry cleaned in case there is a lot of damage done

Carpet cleaning
When the carpet will be reinstalled it will look as good as new and you will find it hard to recognize it.